Go Sea Unicorns

The official website of the norwich Sea unicornS
back to back futures league champions 2023 & 2024


In the Community

The Norwich Sea Unicorns are proud of our connection with the community in Norwich and all of Eastern Connecticut and Rhode Island. Since the organization moved to Norwich prior to the 2010 season, we have worked with countless charitable foundations and other non-profit groups to assist with the raising of much needed funds, whether it be through hosting events such as Relay For Life at Dodd Stadium, donating ticket packages or merchandise to be auctioned off at events held by organizations, or through our own fundraiser program which allows groups to sell tickets to Sea Unicorns games and earn a 50/50 split for their organization.

If you have a charitable or non-profit group and would like to learn more about how the Sea Unicorns may be able to assist, please call the Dodd Stadium Front Office at 860-887-7962, email us at [email protected], or fill out the Donation Request form below and submit it to us at least 4 weeks in advance of your event.
